The InterAction Council held its 29th Annual Plenary Meeting in Québec City, Canada, from 29 to 31 May 2011.
This year's meeting was comprised of the following sessions:
- The Global Water Crisis: Addressing an Urgent Security Concern
- The Present State of the World
- Follow-up on the Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities
- Follow-up on Weapons of Mass Destruction
The Opening Ceremony was hosted by the Honourable Jean Charest, Premier of Québec, in the Legislative Council Room at the Parliament Building and featured a keynote address by the Right Honourable Jean Chrétien, IAC Co-Chair and former Prime Minister of Canada.
List of Participants
InterAction Council Members
1. The Rt. Hon. Jean Chrétien, Co-Chairman (former Prime Minister), Canada
2. H.E. Dr. Franz Vranitzky, Co-Chairman (former Chancellor), Austria
3. H.E. Mr. Helmut Schmidt, Honorary Chairman (former Chancellor), Germany
4. H.E. Dr. Oscar Arias (former President), Costa Rica
5. H.E. Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (former Prime Minister), Malaysia
6. The Rt. Hon. Mr. James Bolger (former Prime Minister), New Zealand
7. H.E. Dr. Gro Brundtland (former Prime Minister), Norway
8. H.E. Mr. William Jefferson Clinton (former President), United States of America
9. H.E. Mr. Fernando de la Rúa (former President), Argentina
10. H.E. Mr. Vicente Fox (former President), Mexico
11. H.E. Mr. Yasuo Fukuda (former Prime Minister), Japan
12. H.E. Mr. Goh Chok Tong (former Prime Minister), Republic of Singapore
13. H.E. Dr. Abdel Salam Majali (former Prime Minister), Jordan
14. The Rt. Hon. Sir James Fitz-Allen Mitchell (former Prime Minister), Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
15. H.E. Mr. Andrés Pastrana (former President), Colombia
16. The Rt. Hon. Percival Noel James Patterson (former Prime Minister), the Republic of Jamaica
17. Sheikh Abdul-Aziz Al-Quraishi, former Governor of Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority, Saudi Arabia
18. The Rt. Hon. Mr. Tung Chee Hwa (former Chief Executive), Hong Kong Administration
19. H.E. Dr. Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga (former President), Latvia
20. H.E. Dr. Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Léon (former President), Mexico
Associate Members
21. Dr. Thomas Axworthy, President and CEO, Walter & Duncan Gordon Foundation, Canada
22. Baroness Margaret Jay, United Kingdom
23. Mr. Jean François-Poncet (former Foreign Minister), France
24. Mr. Seiken Sugiura, (former Minister of Justice), Japan
Special Guests
25. Dr. Abdulrahman H. Al-Saeed, Advisor, The Royal Court, President of Center for Specialized Studies, Saudi Arabia
26. Mr. Abdullah Al-Hossein, Minister of Electricity and Water, Saudi Arabia
27. Amb. Richard Butler, Chairman, Middle Power Initiative, Australia
28. Mr. Mike Hightower, Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
29. Mr. Tang Jiaxuan, (former State Councillor in charge of foreign affairs, China
30. Mr. Bob Sandford, EPCOR Chair of the Canadian Partnership Initiative in support of the United Nations Water for Life Decade, Canada
31. Mr. William F. Weld (former Governor of Massachusetts), USA
The InterAction Council gratefully acknowledges the support of the following governments, private corporations, foundations and individuals that have made this meeting possible.
The Government of Australia
The Government of Brazil
The Government of Canada
The Government of Japan
The Government of Korea
The Government of Sweden
The Government of Québec
City of Québec
Foundations, Private Corporations and Individuals
The Tung Foundation (Hong Kong)
The Walter & Duncan Gordon Foundation (Canada)
Bombardier Inc.
Labatt Breweries of Canada
Power Corporation of Canada
Royal Bank of Canada
Sembcorp Industries Ltd. (Singapore)