The InterAction Council held its 23rd Annual Plenary Meeting at Stanford University, California, from 22 to 23 July 2005.
This meeting was comprised of the following sessions:
- Present State of the World
- Nuclear Disarmament and Small Arms Trade
- Human Rights and Responsibilities in the Age of Terrorism
List of Participants
IAC Members
1. H. E. Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser, Honorary Chairman (Australia)
2. H. E. Prime Minister Ingvar Carlsson, Co-chairman (Sweden)
3. H. E. Prime Minister Andries M. van Agt (the Netherlands)
4. H. E. Prime Minister Esko Aho (Finland)
5. H. E. President Oscar Arias (Costa Rica)
6. H. E. Prime Minister Valdis Birkavs (Latvia)
7. H. E. Prime Minister James Bolger (New Zealand)
8. H. E. Prime Minister Jean Chrétien (Canada)
9. H. E. President Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie (Indonesia)
10. H. E. President Jamil Mahuad (Ecuador)
11. H. E. Prime Minister Abdel Salam Majali (Jordan)
12. H. E. President Jerry John Rawlings (Ghana)
13. H. E. President Mary Robinson (Ireland)
14. H. E. President George Vassiliou (Cyprus)
15. H.E. President Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Léon (Mexico)
Associate Members
16. Prof. Thomas Axworthy, Chairman, Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada (Canada)
17. Mr. Jean André François-Poncet, President of the Senatorial Committee on Regional Planning (France)
18. Mr. Yasuo Fukuda, M. P., Former Chief Cabinet Secretary (Japan)
19. Baroness Jay, Chairman of the Overseas Development Institute, London (U. K.)
20. Dr. Lee Seung-Yun, Former Deputy Prime Minister of Korea (Korea)
21. Mr. Robert S. McNamara, Former Secretary of Defense, Former President of World Bank (U. S. A.)
Deputy Secretary-General
22. Prof. Nagao Hyodo, Professor, Tokyo Keizai University (Japan)
Special Guests
23. Dr. Caroline Anstey, Director, World Bank (U. K.)
24. Dr. Lester Brown, President, Earth Policy Institute (U. S. A.)
25. Mr. Luis Alberto Cordero, The Executive Director of the Arias Foundation (Costa Rica)
26. Dr. Amitai Etzioni, Founder and director of the Communitarian Network, Professor at
George Washington University (U. S. A.)
27. Prof. Kirk O. Hanson, Executive Director, Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara
University (U. S. A.)
28. Prof. Karl Kaiser, Director Emeritus, German Council on Foreign Relations, Berlin; Ralph I.
Straus Visiting Professor, J. F. Kennedy School of Government and Weatherhead Center for
International Affairs, Harvard University (Germany)
29. Ambassador Bill Lane, Former Ambassador to Australia, Co-founder and owner of Sunset
Publishing (U. S. A.)
30. Mr. William P. Laughlin, Founder and Chairman, Saga Foundation (U. S. A.)
31. Prof. Mitsuhei Murata, Professor, Tokai Gakuen University (Japan)
32. Dr. William Potter, Director, Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Monterey Institute of
International Studies (U. S. A.)
33. Mr. Qian Qichen, Former Deputy Prime Minister, Former Foreign Minister (China)
34. Ambassador Makram Queisi (Jordan)
35. Mr. Sun Joun-yung, Former U. N. Ambassador (Korea)
36. Prof. Teizo Taya, Professor, Rikkyo University (Japan)