The InterAction Council held its 22nd Annual Plenary Meeting in Salzburg, Austria, from 21-23 July 2004.
List of Participants
IAC Members
1. H. E. Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, Honorary Chairman (Germany)
2. H. E. Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser, Co-chairman (Australia)
3. H. E. Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa, Co-chairman (Japan)
4. H. E. Prime Minister Andries M. van Agt (the Netherlands)
5. H. E. Prime Minister Esko Aho (Finland)
6. H. E. Prime Minister Valdis Birkavs (Latvia)
7. H. E. Prime Minister James Bolger (New Zealand)
8. H. E. Prime Minister Ingvar Carlsson (Sweden)
9. H. E. President Miguel de la Madrid (Mexico)
10. H. E. President Vigdís Finnbogadóttir (Iceland)
11. H. E. Prime Minister Gyula Horn (Hungary)
12. H. E. President Jamil Mahuad (Ecuador)
13. H. E. Prime Minister Abdul Salam Majali (Jordan)
14. H. E. President Ketumile Masire (Botswana)
15. H. E. Prime Minister Evgeny M. Primakov (Russia)
16. H. E. President José Sarney (Brazil)
17. H. E. Prime Minister Hanna Suchocka (Poland)
18. H. E. President George Vassiliou (Cyprus)
19. H. E. President Richard von Weizsäcker (Germany)
20. H. E. Chancellor Franz Vranitzky (Austria)
21. Prof. Isamu Miyazaki (Japan)
Special Guests
22. Dr. A. T. Ariyaratne, President, Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement (Sri Lanka)
23. Dr. Thomas Axworthy, Chairman, Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada
24. Baroness Tessa Blackstone, Vice Chancellor, University of Greenwich, Former Minister for Education (U. K.)
25. Mr. Michael Blumenthal, Former US Treasury Secretary (U. S. A.)
26. Mr. Jean André François-Poncet, President of the Senatorial Committee on Regional Planning (France)
27. Mr. Yasuo Fukuda, M. P., Former Chief Cabinet Secretary (Japan)
28. Prof. Kirk O. Hanson, Professor, Santa Clara University - California (U. S. A.)
29. Mr. Yoshimasa Hayashi, Member of the House of Councillors (Japan)
30. Prof. Nagao Hyodo, Professor, Tokyo Keizai University (Japan)
31. Prof. Hans Küng, Professor Emeritus, Tübingen University (Switzerland)
32. Dr. Lee Seung-Yun, Former Deputy Prime Minister of Korea (Korea)
33. Mr. Peter Mason, UNICEF
34. Dr. Robert S. McNamara, Former Secretary of Defense, Former President of World Bank (U. S. A.)
35. Dr. Georgy Petrov, Vice President, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
36. Mr. Qian Qichen, Former Deputy Prime Minister, Former Foreign Minister (China)
37. Ms. Margit Schmidt, Secretary-General, Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue (Austria)
38. Dr. Gerry Simpson, Reader in Law, London School of Economics (U. K.)
39. Dr. Teizo Taya, Board Member, Bank of Japan
40. Dr. Woo Jong-Ho, Secretary-General, Korea-Japan Cooperation Council (Korea)
41. Mr. Hidenao Yanagi, Director of the Policy Planning Division, The Foreign Policy Bureau,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Japan)
* * * * *
The InterAction Council members expressed during the Opening Ceremony at the Prince-Archibiscopal Residence of Salzburg their deep condolences with silent prayers to the families, friends and compatriots of the late Prime Minister Kalevi Sorsa of Finland, Cardinal Franz Königh of Vienna, President Thomas Klestil of the Republic of Austria and Prime Minister Maria de Lourdes Pintasilgo of Portugal, all of whom passed away in 2004.
The InterAction Council extends its warmest thanks to Province and City of Salzburg and other local hosts and to the Government of Japan and the Government of Korea for their continued generous support.