The Media Centre contains articles written by members, video broadcasts of past meetings, and press releases.
22 March 2015
On behalf of the InterAction Council, we wish to express our sincere condolences to Tamie Fraser; their children Mark, Angela, Hugh and Phoebe and their families; and the people of
05 February 2015
On behalf of the InterAction Council, we have the honour to express our sincere condolences and deep felt sympathy to you and the people of Germany upon the passing away
25 January 2015
On behalf of the InterAction Council, we have the honour to express our sincere condolences and deep felt sympathy to His Majesty King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud and the people
08 October 2014
"Global Agenda 2013: Water, Energy, and the Arab Awakening"
The Vienna Declaration
28 March 2014
Putting Global Ethical Standards into Practice in a Dangerous and Divided World, proposed by the InterAction Council in Vienna, Austria
05 December 2013
Our hearts have been united in the global chorus of prayers these last months, and we are deeply saddened by the loss of the great Nelson Mandela.
The InterAction Council calls for Middle East nuclear-free zone
11 May 2013
Bahrain – Participants of the InterAction Council’s 31st Annual Plenary Meeting concluded their two-day meeting in Manama today by releasing a series of recommendations to reduce the dangers of nuclear
The InterAction Council gathers in Manama, Bahrain to discuss pressing regional and world issues
06 May 2013
Bahrain – Members of the InterAction Council begin arriving in Manama today for the Council’s 31st Annual Plenary Meeting, to be held from 9 to 11 May.
10 September 2012
The world today confronts a water crisis with critical implications for peace, political stability and economic development, experts warn in a new report issued jointly by the InterAction Council (IAC)
08 September 2012
Rule of Law: A guide for politicians was inspired by discussions within the InterAction Council of Former Heads of State and Government. The process of preparing the material was initiated