The Media Centre contains articles written by members, video broadcasts of past meetings, and press releases.
07 February 2025
As multiple global challenges accelerate the threats to human survival and existence; the InterAction Council convened a virtual meeting of its Existential Security Threats - EXIST Board today.
11 October 2024
Members of the InterAction Council met with President Xi on 11 October on the conclusion of its 38th Annual Plenary Meeting in Beijing, China, where critical global trends and recommendations
09 January 2024
A High-Level Meeting to strengthen global governance for existential threats was convened by the InterAction Council and One Young World at the House of Lords in London on the 9th
24 May 2023
The InterAction Council of former heads of state and government calls for a reform of the United Nations Security Council.
25 February 2022
Since its inception, the InterAction Council of former world leaders has stood for the advance of international law, the peaceful resolution of disputes, and the enhancement of multilateral rules, norms
06 December 2021
6 December 2021 – Members of the InterAction Council met for a special virtual session on Wednesday (1st December) to discuss the latest developments in the Covid-19 pandemic. The emergence
11 November 2020
The COVID-19 Pandemic was top of the agenda at the World Health Summit in October 2020
Statement by InterAction Council Co-chairs Olusegun Obasanjo and Bertie Ahern on the death of His Excellency Benjamin Mkapa
24 July 2020
On behalf of the InterAction Council, we wish to express our sincere condolences to Madame Mkapa and the people of Tanzania on the death of our dear friend and colleague
23 April 2020
The InterAction Council of former heads of state and government supports the urgent need for a co-ordinated global response to the Covid-19 pandemic. As a contribution to the public debate
Declaración del Consejo Interamericano sobre la situación en Venezuela
16 May 2019
Cartagena, Colombia - Reunidos en nuestra 36ª Reunión Plenaria Anual en Cartagena, Colombia, notamos con gran decepción que la situación en Venezuela continúa deteriorándose. Estamos profundamente preocupados por los 3,4