On behalf of the InterAction Council, we have the honour to express our sincere condolences and deep felt sympathy to you and the people of Germany upon the passing away of former President of Germany, H.E. Mr. Richard von Weizsaecker.
A high-level intellectual dedicated to public service and consensus, President von Weizsaecker always found the right words at the right moment. While addressing a wide range of controversial issues reaching across political, national and generational boundaries, his engagement will remain in high esteem for all future generations. Unattainable and unforgettable will also remain his speech of 8 May 1985 whereby he opened a new chapter in German’s society, the truth of which remains immutable.
We should like to express our sincere gratitude for President von Weizsaecker’s profound commitment to the goals and objectives of the InterAction Council throughout his time as a member of the Council.
Accept, Your Excellency, the expression of our highest consideration.