From 25-27 June 2008, the InterAction Council held its 26th Annual Plenary Meeting in Stockholm, Sweden.
This meeting was comprised of the following sessions:
- Present State of the World
- Restoring International Law: Legal, Political and Human Dimensions
- Managing International Financial Markets
List of Participants
IAC Members
1. H. E. Mr. Helmut Schmidt, Honorary Chairman (Former Chancellor of Germany)
2. H. E. Mr. Malcolm Fraser, Honorary Chairman (Former Prime Minister of Australia)
3. H. E. Mr. Ingvar Carlsson, Co-chairman (Former Prime Minister of Sweden)
4. H. E. Mr. Jean Chrétien, Co-chairman (Former Prime Minister of Canada)
5. H. E. Mr. Esko Aho (Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Finland)
6. H. E. Mrs. Gro Harlem Brundtland (Former Prime Minister of Norway)
7. H. E. Mrs. Vigdís Finnbogadóttir (Former President of the Republic of Iceland)
8. H. E. Mr. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie (Former President of the Republic of Indonesia)
9. H. E. Mr. Lee Hong-Koo (Former Prime Minister of Korea)
10. H. E. Mr. AbdelSalam Majali (Former Prime Minister of Jordan)
11. H. E. Mr. Benjamin William Mkapa (Former President of Tanzania)
12. H. E. Mr. Yoshiro Mori (Former Prime Minister of Japan)
13. H. E. Mr. Olusegun Obasanjo (Former President of the Nigeria)
14. H. E. Mr. Andrés Pastrana (Former President of Colombia)
15. H. E. Mr. Percival N.J. Patterson (Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Jamaica)
16. H. E. Mr. José Sarney (Former President of Brazil)
17. H. E. Mr. Constantinos Georgios Simitis (Former Prime Minister of Greece)
18. H. E. Mr. Tung Chee Hwa (Former Chief Executive of Hong Kong)
19. H. E. Mr. George Vassiliou (Former President of Cyprus)
20. H. E. Mr. Franz Vranitzky (Former Chancellor of Austria)
21. H. E. Mr. Richard von Weizsäcker (Former President of Germany)
22. H. E. Mr. Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Léon (Former President of Mexico)
Associate Members
23. Dr. Abdul Rahman Hamad Al-Saeed, Advisor, The Royal Court (Saudi Arabia, Representing Mr. Abdul Aziz Z. Al-Quraishi)
24. Prof. Thomas Axworthy, Chair of the Centre for the Study of Democracy, Queen’s University (Canada)
25. Baroness Jay, Chairperson of the Overseas Development Institute, London (U. K.)
26. Prof. Hans Küng, Professor Emeritus, Tübingen University (Switzerland)
27. Dr. Lee Seung-yun, (Former Deputy-Prime Minister of Korea)
28. Mr. Seiken Sugiura (Former Justice Minister of Japan)
Special Guests
29. Mrs. Caroline Anstey, Chief of Staff, Office of the President, World Bank
30. Mr. James Blanchard, (Former United States Ambassador to Canada, Former Governor of Michigan)
31. H. E. Mr. Hans Blix (Former Chairman of the UN Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission for Iraq)
32. Dr. Olav Brundtland, Scholar in international relations (Norway)
33. Dr. Hans Corell, (Former Legal Counsel to the UN and UN Under-Secretary for Legal Affairs) (Sweden)
34. Mr. Nagao Hyodo, (Former Japanese Ambassador to Belgium)
35. Mr. Julius Liljeström, (Sweden)
36. Prof. Timothy L.H. McCormack, Professor of International Humanitarian Law, University of Melbourne Law School (Australia)
37. Mr. Qian Qichen, (Former Deputy Premier of the State Council) (China)
38. Dr. Sergey Rogov, Director of Institute for USA and Canada of the Russian Academy of Sciences
39. Prof. Teizo Taya, Rikkyo University (Japan)
40. Prof. Tu Weiming, Harvard University (China)
41. H. E. Mr. Ola Ullsten (Former Prime Minister of Sweden, Former member of IAC)
The InterAction Council acknowledges with gratitude the support given to the 26th Annual Meeting by the Governments of Australia, Germany, Japan, Korea, Saudi Arabia and Sweden as well as the City of Stockholm.