The InterAction Council held its 24th Annual Plenary Meeting in the Dead Sea, Jordan, from 2-4 May 2006.
List of Participants
IAC Members
1. H. E. Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, Honorary Chairman (Germany)
2. H. E. Prime Minister Ingvar Carlsson, Co-chairman (Sweden)
3. H. E. Prime Minister AbdelSalam Majali, Organizing Chairman (Jordan)
4. H. E. Prime Minister Andreas M. van Agt (the Netherlands)
5. H. E. Prime Minister Esko Aho (Finland)
6. H. E. Prime Minister Valdis Birkavs (Latvia)
7. H. E. Prime Minister Jean Chrétien (Canada)
8. H. E. President Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie (Indonesia)
9. H. E. President Jamil Mahuad (Ecuador)
10. H. E. President Andrés Pastrana (Colombia)
11. H. E. Prime Minister Yevgeny M. Primakov (Russia)
12. H. E. President Jerry John Rawlings (Ghana)
13. H. E. President José Sarney (Brazil)
14. H. E. President George Vassiliou (Cyprus)
Associate Members
15. H. E. Mr. Jean André François-Poncet, President of the Senatorial Committee on Regional Planning (France)
16. Mr. Yasuo Fukuda, M.P., Former Chief Cabinet Secretary (Japan)
17. Baroness Jay, Chairperson of the Overseas Development Institute, London (U. K.)
18. Prof. Hans Küng, Professor Emeritus, Tübingen University (Switzerland)
19. H. E. Dr. Lee Seung-Yun, Former Deputy Prime Minister of Korea (Korea)
Special Guests
20. H. E. Mr. Jan Eliasson, Foreign Minister and President of the 60th UN General Assembly Session (Sweden)
21. H. E. Mr. Taher Masri, Former Prime Minister (Jordan)
22. Prof. Michael Adler, Royal Free and University College (U. K)
23. Dr. Reuven Aharoni, Former Fellow Teacher, Tel Aviv University (Israel)
24. Ambassador Tatsuo Arima, Special Envoy of the Government of Japan to the Middle East (Japan)
25. Mr. Bassem Awadallah, Director of His Majesty’s Office (Jordan)
26. H. E. Dr. Munther Haddadin, Former Minister of Water and Irrigation (Jordan)
27. H. E. Dr. Nabeel Kassis, Former Minister of Planning and Tourism (Palestine)
28. Mr. Kunio Katakura, Former Ambassador to Egypt and Iraq (Japan)
29. H. E. Mr. Abdelelah Khatib, Foreign Minister (Jordan)
30. Mr. Julius Liljeström, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Sweden)
31. H. E. Dr. Amin Mahmoud, Former Minister of Culture (Jordan)
32. H. E. Mr. Samer Majali, CEO and President of the Royal Jordanian Airlines (Jordan)
33. Mr. Fouad Makhzoumi, Chairman, Future Pipe Group, Founder, The Makhzoumi Foundation (Lebanon)
34. H. E. Mr. Amre M. Moussa, Secretary-General, League of Arab States (Egypt)
35. Dr. Ahmad S. Moussalli, Professor, American University of Beirut (Lebanon)
36. Dr. Richard Norton, Professor of Anthropology and International Relations, Boston University (U. S. A.)
37. Mr. Dong Soon Park, Former Ambassador to Jordan and Israel (Korea)
38. Dr. Georgy Petrov, Vice President, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (Russia)
39. H. E. Mr. Qian Qichen, Former Deputy Prime Minister, Former Foreign Minister (China)
40. Dr. Jairam Reddy, Director, International Leadership Institute, United Nations University (Jordan)
41. Mr. Ayman Safadi, Editor-in-Chief of the Daily Al-Ghad Newspaper (Jordan)
42. Prof. Amin Saikal, Director, Centre for Arab and Islamic Studies, The Middle East & Central Asia,
Faculty of Arts, Australian National University (Australia)
43. H. E. Mr. Nabiih Shequem, Secretary General and Director of the American and European Affairs
Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Jordan)
44. Dr. Henry Siegman, Council on Foreign Affairs (U. S. A)
45. H. E. Mr. Seiken Sugiura, Minister of Justice (Japan)
46. Dr. Samir Taqi, Strategic Research Center at Damascus University (Syria)
47. Prof. Teizo Taya, Rikkyo University (Japan)
48. Dr. Walid Turk, Former Dean of the Faculty of Pharmaceuticals (Jordan)
49. H. E. Mr. Moneef R. Zou’bi, Director General, Islamic World Academy of Sciences (Jordan)
50. Ambassador Makram Queisi, Chief of Protocol, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Jordan)
51. Prof. Isamu Miyazaki, Secretary-General (Japan)
52. Prof. Nagao Hyodo, Tokyo Keizai University, Deputy Secretary-General (Japan)