A New Agenda for Peace and Security
15 May 2023
Valletta, Malta
InterAction Council Members
- The Hon. Bertie Ahern, Co-chairman, former Prime Minister of Ireland
- Dr. Thomas S. Axworthy, Chair of Public Policy, Massey College, University of Toronto (Canada)
Special Guests
- H.E. Ambassador (ret.) Hans Corell, Former Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs and the Legal Counsel of the United Nations (Sweden)
- Ms. Rut Einarsdottir, Chair, Icelandic Human Rights Centre; One Young World Ambassador (Iceland)
- Mr. Nicholas Fogg, Writer, Journalist, and Lecturer (UK)
- Mr. Ibrahim Jalal, Non-resident Scholar, Middle East Institute (MEI), One Young World Ambassador (Yemen)
- Dr. Rebecca E. Johnson, Director, Acronym Institute for Disarmament Diplomacy (UK)
- Mr. Mats Karlsson, Vice President, World Bank, 1999-2002 (Sweden)
- Ms. Anya Lazarova, Area Security Manager in multinational IT company; One Young World Ambassador (Bulgaria)
- Dr. Kerstin Leitner, ex-UN Resident Coordinator, China; former Assistant Director-General, WHO Geneva (Germany)
- Prof. Dr. Mykhailo Minakov, Senior Advisor, Kennan Institute, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (Ukraine)
- Dr. Carole Nakhle, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Crystol Energy (UK)
- Dr. Joanna Nurse, Strategic Advisor, InterAction Council; Director for the Platform for Planet Place and People (P4PPP), Commonwealth Centre for Digital Health; Chair, International Working Group, Existential Risks for Humanity (ER4H), World Academy of Art and Science (UK)
- H.E. Amb. Francis Martin O’Donnell, Former SMOM Ambassador and UN Resident Coordinator (Ireland)
- Dr. Zachary Paikin, Nonresident Research Fellow, Institute for Peace & Diplomacy; Researcher, Centre for European Policy Studies (Canada)
- Mr. Jannis Poestges, One Young World Ambassador (Germany)
- Hon. Allan Rock, Professor Emeritus and former Professor of Law, University of Ottawa (Canada)
- Dr. Moneef Zou’bi, Science Advisor, InterAction Council; Emeritus Director General, Islamic World Academy of Sciences (Jordan)