Associate Members
- The Rt. Hon. the Baroness Margaret Jayof Paddington, Former Leader of the House of Lords (UK)
- Dr. Thomas Axworthy, Chair of Public Policy, Massey College, University of Toronto (Canada)
Special Guests
- Ms. Åsa Larsson-Blind, President of the Saami Council; representing the National Union of the Swedish Saami People (Sweden)
- Dr. Dalee Sambo Dorough, International Chair, Inuit Circumpolar Council (USA)
- Mr. Craig Fleener, Senior Advisor to Governor Bill Walker of Alaska on Arctic Policy (USA)
- Mr. Aleksi Härkönen, Chair, Arctic Council (Finland)
- Mr. Magnus Jóhannesson, Special Advisor on the Arctic, Icelandic Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Iceland)
- Mr. Matt Jones, Head of Programme, Business and Biodiversity, United Nations Environment Program (UK)
- Dr. Dwayne Ryan Menezes, Founder and Managing Director, Polar Research and Policy Initiative (PRPI) (UK)
- Dr. Alexander Shestakov, Head of Division, Scientific and Policy Support, Convention on Biological Diversity (Russia/Canada)
- Mr. Dana Tizya-Tramm, Councillor, Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (Canada)
- Mr. Tero Vauraste, Chair, Arctic Economic Council and President, Arctia (Finland)