Prime Minister of Japan 1976-1978
Founder and Honorary Chairman
From founding the InterAction Council in Vienna in 1983, based on his long-held pacifist and egalitarian philosophy, until his death in 1995, Takeo Fukuda was the guiding force of the Council. He established the first historic dialogue between political and religious leaders in 1987. The Council remains profoundly grateful to him and to the people of Japan.
Born 14 January 1905. Died 5 July 1995.
Political experience:
- Ministry of Finance 1929-50
- Deputy Vice-Minister 1945-46
- Director, Banking Bureau 1946-47
- Director, Budget Bureau 1947-50
- member, House of Representatives 1952- 90
- Minister of Finance 1965-66
- Secretary-General and President, Liberal Democratic Party 1966-68
- Minister of Finance 1968-71, 1973-74
- Minister of Foreign Affairs 1971-72; Deputy Prime Minister 1974-76
- Prime Minister 1976-78
Photo: By 毎日新聞社 (毎日新聞社編『明治・大正・昭和・平成歴代宰相 下巻』(毎日新聞社、2004年)) [CC BY-SA 2.1 jp (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.1/jp/deed.en)], via Wikimedia Commons