Hans Küng (b. March 19, 1928), is an eminent Swiss Roman Catholic theologian and a prolific author. Since 1995 he has been President of the Foundation for a Global Ethic.
Küng studied theology and philosophy at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome and was ordained in 1954. He then continued his education in various European cities, for example at the Sorbonne in Paris. His doctoral thesis was entitled Justification: Doctrines of Karl Barth and a Catholic Reflection.
In the early 1990s Küng initiated a project called Weltethos (Global Ethic), which is an attempt at describing what the world religions have in common (rather than what separates them) and at drawing up a minimal code of rules of behaviour everyone can accept. His vision of a global ethic was embodied in the document for which he did the initial draft, Towards a Global Ethic: An Initial Declaration. This Declaration was signed at the 1993 Parliament of the World's Religions by many religious and spiritual leaders from around the world. Later Küng's project would culminate into the UN's "Dialogue among Civilizations" to which Küng was assigned as one of 19 "Eminent Persons".
Based on "Studium Generale"—lectures at Tubingen University, his latest publication The Beginning of All Things discusses the relationship between science and religion. In an analysis spanning from quantum physics to neuroscience he also comments on the current debate about evolution in the United States, dismissing those opposed to evolution as "naive un-enlightened."
Biographical excerpts from https://www.theopedia.com/hans-kung